Dreame - Eliana
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Rina Dore
Life's never easy, and perhaps it may never be. Each day brings new challenges, obstacles and trials...and what seems within reach may slip away in an instant...We never know when, how and what may change in our lives. And sometimes it comes as light as a blow of wind but sends tingles down our spines...Living in this uncertainty can drain any sense of hope or faith, making it hard to believe in a brighter tomorrow or a better future. But I, Eliana, feel that same fear, doubt and anxiety.However it's, in a way, kind of different for me tho...I have someone to lean on, someone who makes life's weight easier to bear, someone present..but invisible. And...I possess a certain power within me...one that words cannot explain and that changes everything, in every perspective. Why don't you stick around and hear my story?