Dreame - His Ex-Wife's Return
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His Ex-Wife's Return
book-rating-imgREADING AGE 16+
Belle Athens
Cara Smith is happily blessed with a caring and loving husband, Chris Knowles, with a true best friend, Jessica, by her side. For two years, everything is going on perfectly fine. Or so she thought? On their anniversary party, Cara discovers a shocking secret about an intimate relationship with Jessica and Chris, and apparently, everyone around knew about it except for her! Devastated and heartbroken, she filed for a divorce and headed back home to her parents. Somewhere else lies a rich and successful artist and CEO of a famous art museum, Romeo Armani, who is desperate for true love. Romeo and Cara are actually best friends since childhood, but when he asked her to come with him to France to further their career two years ago, Cara had rejected his offer to be married to Chris, although this is a sweet lie she tells herself. She couldn't dare state the real reason she left Romeo. Chris threatens to ruin Cara's career after a lie he hears from Jessica in an attempt to make him despite Cara. However, Romeo mocks him for making such threat. He is rich and powerful and announces that Cara's company would be the best no matter what Chris does. A year later and Cara becomes stronger and powerful. Chris has a change of heart and wants her back, but Cara has moved on and is finding a new love with Romeo.