Dreame - Beneath The Bad.
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Beneath The Bad.
book-rating-imgREADING AGE 18+
Jane Jerry
Beneath The Bad... Is Based on a young man who's an orphan. Lost his parents at a very tender age, so he struggles to survive in the hardships of life. At the process of surviving, he stole from the most vicious gang in the neighbourhood unknowingly to him, he was caught and beaten almost to the point of death, but fortunately the gang leader spared his life because he saw potential in him, then he offered him a spot in the gang family, they offered him protection and a family which he happily took... Soon he became like them. Ruthless, arrogant, wicked, but he had an encounter that changed his life, and now more than ever he wants to leave the gang and start a new life but its hard because once you join the gang. No coming out...