Dreame - My Ex-husband brother is my lover
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My Ex-husband brother is my lover
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After the painful divorce, the only mission that Stella Ortiz had was to get her life and legacy pieced together, promising herself that she would be at the head of her family's empire. While in this fight to get back what was hers, her ex-husband, Finn, plots with his accomplice, her stepsister Mai, to rid Stella of her reputation, power, and future. It is just when the walls are about to close in that she finds an unlikely ally in the very last person she would have thought of-Finn's brother, Dereck. As feelings between them grow thicker, as does their inexplicable connection, Dereck becomes her haven in the middle of the storm. But to love Dereck means having to navigate a minefield of betrayal and public scandal. For Stella, the road to reclaiming her family's legacy is not just about winning back a house; it is about self-respect, love, and simply life.